Faculty and students of the department of philosophy
The teaching of the subject Philosophy began in this college in its early days. However the department of Philosophy got affiliation in both Honours and General in 1969-70. The founder of our College Late D.L. Dey himself was fond of this subject. He himself did his Ph. D in Philosophy from London. Our first head of the department was Prof. Sourindra Mohyan Bhattacharya. At present our department has four substantive and one SACT teachers- Dr. Baisakhi Das (H.O.D) and Dr. Tanusree Das, Smt. Lipika Das, Md Rahul seikh and Smt. Debarati Mukherjee. Room no 12 in the 2nd floor of the old building is the department of Philosophy.
We share a warm and impartial relation with the students who are generally sincere and hard working. Many of our students have made us proud in their commendable achievements in various fields of life be it academic or extracurricular.
Philosophy is subject which covers the entire universe and our life. The subject ponders over rare questions such as knowledge, soul, God, Ethics etc. The subject enables a reader to lead a moral life keeping in mind the welfare of all human beings and to come out of his/her narrow world of material pleasure.
Online teaching: The department also has arrangement for online classes through Google classroom (college provided G-Suite). Notes, assignments, reference materials are sent through mails or other online communication platforms. We also provide YouTube video lectures .
As a department running undergraduate (UG) course, we feel that we should focus on the performance of the students in the examination conducted by the University of Calcutta. We try to teach both inside and outside the class room. We update ourselves by reading the new publications on our subject. We always try to keep our students aware of the modern thinking in the subject. Students not only concentrate on learning the subject, they also participate in various type seminars, group discussion, debate, extempore speeches, games and sports and other cultural activities both inside and outside the college. Apart from this, our students also enthusiastically present papers through Power Point Presentations. Our students have started Poster presentation from the year 2016.
Finally, we try to give mental support to our students to cope with challenges in their daily lives.
Classes are held regularly
Both slow and weak learners are identified within the internal assessment
Special assistance is given to the students outside the classroom.
Guardians are regularly informed about the performance of their wards through Parent – Teacher meeting.
The students prepare quotations; charts related to the subject and display this in their assigned class room
Assessment of students is made through class tests, group discussions.
Students are also assisted in day to day classroom participation.
Internal tests are held along with regular class tests.
Prof. Probal Sen – Professor, C.U.
Prof. Arun Mukherjee – Professor, J.U.
prof. Dilip Mohanty-professor c.u
Prof. SoumitraBosu - Professor, J.U.
Prof. Atashee Chatterjee Sinha – Professor, J. U.
Swami Ritananda Editor, UdbodhanPatrika.
Prof. DeboshrutiRoychowdhury – Dean, Presidency Univerisity
Prof. Avik Banerjee - Ex – HOD, Scotish Church College
Prof. Verby Roy – Scottish Church College
Swapna Mukherjee Lecture, 2020
One day international Seminar organized by the Department of philosophySTUDENTS AT WORK
Sl No | Title | Notice View |
There are 196 books in our seminar Library
All the necessary books recommended in the C.U. syllabus have been provided.
Advance and enthusiastic students are helped with books from the personal collection of the teachers.
We flexible in borrowing books.
Students' seminar presentation