
The Lab of the Journalism & Mass Communication department functions as the heart of the departmental activities with students continuously working for their various audio, video, multimedia and print projects as well as all the hands-on practical classes taking place in the lab.

Department of Journalism & Mass Communication has one dedicated lab for the department consisting of twelve fast and high storage computers with sound system. The lab also has a wall-mounted LCD screen for screening of films, documentaries and other video productions. The lab also has a printer and scanner.

The lab houses the departmental store of the equipment like digital camera, sound recorder, microphones, tripod, projector, projection screen, Dolby digital sound system and laptop. The lab also houses the departmental CD/DVD library.

All the computer systems has necessary page make-up, audio editing, video editing and multimedia editing software along with basic office package for hands-on practical training of the students on various industry oriented ICT technologies as per the recommendation of University of Calcutta. Each computer has broadband internet connection and anti-virus software.

Apart from regular practical classes, the laboratory is also used for various project works where students can brainstorm and develop creative projects for departmental fests and other programs. The department maintains a photo-wall inside the lab where photos clicked by the students are displayed. Departmental newsletter are also regularly displayed on the display board inside the lab. The lab also has the show-case of departmental trophies won by the students of the department on various competitions. Departmental notice boards are also maintained inside and outside the lab.