
  • The stage has always been held with high regard at Women’s College Calcutta. For an educational institution an auditorium is not just a venue for academic events, or merely a meeting place, it is a space where students and scholars congregate to celebrate, debate, discuss and sometimes even to mourn collectively.
  • The hall serves as the venue for seminars, cultural events and film-shows.
  • The auditorium provides a platform for creative, cultural and social events, a legacy that Women’s College Calcutta has always prided itself on.
  • This hall has undergone upgradation in the air-conditioning system, installation of a large engraved door with the college emblem, improvement to the flooring, panelling and the seating facilities along with state-of-the-art lighting.
  • The college auditorium with a seating capacity of 150 and enabled with all up-to-date equipments like high quality sound system, wall mounted speakers, conference table mikes, roving mikes, lapel microphone, high luminosity projection system, is used to organize all the vital events and ceremonies in the college.