Rules & Regulations

  1. Students are required to maintain regular attendance as per Calcutta University regulations.At least 60% of attendance is mandatory for appearing in all Semester Examinations. Strong actions will be taken against candidates having poor percentage(attendance).
  2. Students should not be absent for more than 10 days without valid reasons. 
  3. Appearing for internalassessments and tutorials under CBCS curriculum is compulsory for the students of all Semesters as per C.U Regulations.Students must secure at least 30% marks in both Honours and General subjects in internal assessments and tutorials to be sent up for respective end-semester examinations. However, to retain Honours, candidates must secure 40% marks in the final Semester Examinations. Candidates not appearing in either of the above examinations (internals and tutorials) will not be sent up for finals even on submission of medical certificates.
  4. Students failing in three or more subjects will not be allowed to appear in the final University Examinations. 
  5. Students must carry Identity Cards during college hours inside the college. A student must produce Identity Card as and when demanded. It should be carefully preserved. In case of loss of Identity Card, a duplicate can be obtained only on permission by the Principal on payment of a fine of Rs. 20/-
  6. Any change in combination for elective subjects with the approval of the Principal must be done within the stipulated time given by C.U.
  7. Impersonation at roll call is an offence. The Principal will have the authority to take appropriate stringent action against any student found to be involved in the same.
  8. Students are required to check the Notice Board for any important notice before they leave the college every day.
  9. Students are expected to be formally dressed for classes.