Vision and Mission


The college believes in the power of the 5E s:

Equality: Creating equal opportunities for all the students irrespective of their backgrounds.

Equitability: Responsible and transparent relationship between all the stakeholders of the college.

Empowerment: Making the students ready for the job market with a practical course-structure and career-oriented outlook.

Enhancement: Enhancement of the quality of life of the students by providing them a friendly and caring atmosphere so that they can engage academically and culturally in different college activities and realise their potential.

Encouragement: Asking every student and member of the staff to strive for excellence because the development of one ensures the development of all.


Ensconced in a quiet neighbourhood of the northern frontiers of the city, Women's College, Calcutta bears the testimony of the long struggle of women's education and empowerment in Bengal. Envisioned by Dr D.L. De, who inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, dedicated his brilliant career for the advancement of learning of women, this college was founded on the belief that education of women is central to the development of the society. For the last seventy-five years the college has followed this tradition of self-less service to the community by educating students to achieve an empowered position in the society with a strong sense of social welfare, friendship, and harmony.