Cultural Program & Social


Every year the Social Committee of Women's College, Calcutta organizes annual social programs, cultural competitions and a great variety of other cultural shows. The annual college social program is held at the prestigious auditorium of Kolkata named Girish Mancha situated adjacent to the college.

The students of the college participate in various segments of the annual social programme. This gives an opportunity to the students for developing their creativity, artistic expression, team-work and organizational skill. The college carries forth the rich cultural tradition by engaging the students in creative performances and artistic endeavors.

The annual social day program is inaugurated by auspicious opening hymns performed by the students followed by various students’ performances like recitations, songs, dance performances, audio drama, dance drama theatrical performances and the like. The most attractive segment of the annual social day is the gorgeous performance by the children of 'Srijan', the social and welfare wing of WCC.



Every year also a renowned guest performer from the music industry steals the show in the second half of the social day programme. The program is witnessed and enjoyed by all the students, the governing body members, the principal and the teachers as well.

Apart from annual social programme, the students whole-heartedly participate in the college internal cultural competition too, organized by the Cultural Committee of the college. The competition is divided into various categories and events like music, dance, audio drama, debate and recitation. In each event more than 30 students participate. The faculty from all departments usually take the responsibility as the judges of the performances. The winners of the competition are provided with trophies at the prize distribution ceremony. The prize distribution ceremony is followed by a students’ cultural performance.


All the social and cultural events are proficiently organized by the student volunteers of all departments of the college and the NSS wing students volunteers of the college.