Department of Bengali
Dr Manasi Sen Gupta, Associate Professor
- Trailokyanather Kathasahitya: Chena Jagat Achena Swad, Purushtyam Publishers, 2nd edition, (ISBN: 978-93-85908-75-0), January 2019
- Damaru Charit Katha Amrita Saman (ডমরু - চরিত কথা অমৃতসমান ),১৯ - ২০ ' র বাংলা ছোটগল্প, Edited by - Chandramalli Sen Gupta & Sarasija Sen Gupta (ISBN - 978 - 81 - 953422 - 7 – 3), November, 2021
- Rasamayir Rasikata : Bichitra Raser Jibankatha ( রসময়ীর রসিকতা : বিচিত্ররসের জীবনকথা ), ১৯ - ২০ ' র বাংলা ছোটগল্প, Edited by - Chandramalli Sen Gupta & Sarasija Sen Gupta (ISBN - 978 - 81 - 953422 - 7 – 3), November, 2021
Dr Saumen Das, Associate Professor
- Tulanamulok Loksahitya: Paddhati o Proyog, Akshar Prakashani, (ISBN: 978-93-82041-77-1), 2017
- Bangla Chhanda, Akshar Prakashan,( ISBN: 978-93-82041-71-1), 2017
- Lepcha Lojpurane Nandanikata, Baranrekha Patrika, 2017
- Bangla loksahitya Charcha: Ekti Multayan, Balaka Patrika, 2018
- Meghnadbadh: Ramkahinir Rabanayan- Meghnadbadh Kabya: Path o Paryalochona (Book), 2019
Dr Avijit Banerjee, Assistant Professor
- Lokoswar, 2320-5598, 2022
Department of English
Dr Debamitra Kar, Assistant Professor
- The Politics of Difference: Reading Eliot’s Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, Objective Illumination: A Study of T. S. Eliot’s Prose Writings, Edited by Dr Sarbojit Biswas and Saptarshi Mallick. Publisher: Alfa Publishing House, New Delhi, (ISBN: 978-93-83292-38-7), 2017
- Memory and Imagination: Notes of Resistance in Agha Shahid Ali’s The Country without a Post Office, Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and Language. 4:1, July December 2017, (ISSN: 2278-9170,UGC serial no: 44613), 2017
- ‘Chidiyon da Chamba’: Leaving Home and Making Home: A Study of Marital Displacement, Café Dissensus; Women as the ‘Displaced: The context of South Asia’ edited by Suranjana Choudhury and Nabanita Sengupta. Issue No: 44,( ISSN: 2373-177X), 2018
- Liberating the River: Land and Politics in Tagore’s Plays, Gitanjali & Beyond (International Journal) Vol 2, no 1: Tagore and the Environment, (ISSN: 2399-8733), 24 November, 2018
- Breaking the Myths of Peace: Rise of Fundamentalism after 9/11, Responses Towards 9/11: South Asia and Beyond, edited by Dr Nukbah Langah, published by Routledge, (HB:978-0-815-37844-0; PB: 978-0-367-07454-8; eBook: 978-0-429-39984-8), March 2019
- The Home and the World: A Critique of Violence, Gitanjali and Beyond, Issue 4, vol 1,(ISSN: 2399-8733), May 2020
- The Making of Xenophobia: Migrating from Hatred to Grief in the Novels of Mohsin Hamid, Literature and the War on terror: Nation, Democracy and Liberalisation, edited by Sagir Ali, published by Routledge, (ISBN 9781032424835), 2022.
Sudipta Gupta, Assistant Professor
- Look Back and Linger: Memory, Nostalgia and Diasporic Identities in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Mrs Sen’s. In Interpretation of Memories: Literary, Psychological. Cultural and Historical Spaces. Eds Syeda Ayesha Ali and Tayana Chatterjee. Conference Proceedings of UGC Sponsored Seminar (ISBN: 978-81-933615-8-0) March 2017.
- Abandonment, Journey and Identity in Namita Gokhale’s Shakuntala: The Play of Memory. In Literary Theory, Textual Application. Eds Sk. Sagir Ali. Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, (ISBN: 978- 81-269-2610-7 ) 2018
- Do They Live Happily Ever- after? Marriage, Deception and the Fairy Tale in Jane Austen’s Emma. In Appropriations, A Peer – Reviewed Journal of the Department of English, Bankura Christian College. Vol XIII (UGC Enlisted Category English, SL No 195, Journal No 48983) (ISSN: 0975-1521) April 2018.
- A Tale of Two Lives: Exploring Mortality, A Supernatural Curse and Overriding Ambition in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and The Mortal Immortal. In Creative Flight, An International Half- Yearly Open Access Peer- Reviewed E- Journal in English. (ISSN: 2582- 6158) October 2020.
- The Taste of Bengal: A Culinary Journey from the Homes to the World as a Global Brand. In Indraprasth, An International Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies (ISSN 2278- 7208) 2021.
- Displacement Wrecks It All: Diasporic Conflicts, Disoriented Identities and Disrupted Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Only Goodness. In Identity, Quests and Questions. Eds Raisun Mathews. Authors Press, New Delhi, (ISBN: 978- 93-5529-251-3) 2022.
Nehajul Sekh, Assistant Professor
- Predictors of Academic Performance: Emotional Intelligence and Stream among Graduate Students, Manish Agrawal and Md Nehajul SK, Educational Quest: An Int. J. of Education and Applied Social Science: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 743-750, December 2017 DOI: 10.5958/2230-7311.2017.00130.1
- Anxiety, Depression and Stress among Undergraduate Students: A Comparative Study of Mathematics and Engineering Students, Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education Vol. 15, Issue No. 7, September-2018, ISSN 2230-7540
- A comparative study of internet browsing habit among the students of professional courses, PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research | Volume - 11 | Issue - 12 |December - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
Department of Hindi
Dr Sneha Singh, Assistant Professor
- "Nagarvadhuon ke Bahane Kathakar ke Samaj ka Avlokan" Lamahi, (ISSN 2278-554X), January - March 2020
- "Jamane se Ru- B- Ru Hoti Kahaniyan”, Lamahi, (ISSN 2278-554x), January - March 2020
Book chapter:
- Kinnaron ka Aarakshan: Manvadhikaar Athva Vote Bank", ' Hindi ki Vikas Yatra',( ISBN 978-81-942920-1-2), First Edition - 2020.
- "Katha- Sahitya : Kuchh Aayam" (ISBN 81-944032-6-X), First Edition: 2020
- " Arun Hota ki Aalochakiya Pratibha ", Janapath, April - June 2022
Dr Seema Choudhury, SACT
- Sudha Aurora ki Kahaniyo mein Samaj (Society in Sudha Aurorra’s Story), Veena, July, 2019
- Yathart ki Dharatal par Khari Kahaniya – Akhilesh ka Katha Sansar (Stories based on Reality – Reference of Akhilesh’s Stories), Muktanchal, June 2019
- Pulin Bihari das, Azadi@75 Krantikariyon ki Shauryagatha, 2022
Department of Sanskrit
Rituparna Saha, Assistant Professor
- ধর্মার্থনীতিশাস্ত্রালোকে ধর্মার্থনীতি, Edited by Soma Bhattacharya Published by Vivekananda College for Women, August, 2020, ISBN NO: 978-93-5407-249-9
Palas Biswas, Assistant Professor
- Education of the Kshatriyas at the Ancient Vedic Period, Kalyan Bharati - A Journal on Indian History and Culture, 2021, ISSN: 0976-0822, Impact Factor- 5.90
Department of History
Dr Rahul Bhaumik, Assistant Professor
- ‘The History of Colonial Science and Medicine in British India: From the Centre-Periphery Perspective’, Indian Journal of History of Science, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 174-183. [Print ISSN No: 0019-5235, Online ISSN No: 2454-9991], June 2017.
- ‘Snakes, Snakebites and British Medical-Zoological Engagement in Early Colonial India: Health, Medicine and Ideology’, Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, New Series, No. 1, Special Issue on Sociology of Medicine and Health, pp. 49-67. [Print ISSN No: 2457-6158, Online ISSN No: 2558-9962], August 2017.
- ‘The History of Colonial Science and Medicine in British India: From the Centre-Periphery Perspective’, Indian Journal of History of Science, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 174-183. [Print ISSN No: 0019-5235, Online ISSN No: 2454-9991], August 2017.
- ‘The Production of Ophiological Knowledge in Early British India: Venomous Snakes, Various Practices and Different Responses’, Archív Orientální: Journal of African and Asian Studies, Issue 86, No. 1, pp. 73-104. [ISSN No: 0044-8699], June 2018.
- ‘Colonial Encounter on Indian Snakes and their Venoms: The Transmission and Transformation of Western Ophiological Knowledge in British India, 1780s-1910s’, Indian Journal of History of Science, Vol. 53, No. 4, Thematic Issue on Emergence of Modern Science in Colonial India, pp. T132-T140. [Print ISSN No: 0019-5235, Online ISSN No: 2454-9991], December 2018.
Department of Philosophy
Dr. Baishakhi Das, Assistant Professor
- Research Association For Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS) 111th International RAIS Conference held at John Hopkins University, Rockville USA on November 19-20, 2018, with the research paper titled "The Beneficences that Happened to Indian Society from the Teachings and Thoughts of Nivedita ". (e- journal)
- ভগিনী নিবেদিতা ও ভারতীয় সংস্কৃতির পুনরুজ্জীবন "নিবেদিতার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিতে জাতীয়তাবাদ ও ভারতীয় সমাজ গঠনে নারীর ভূমিকা: একটি পর্যালোচনা" - প্রকাশক: শিবনাথ শাস্ত্রী কলেজ প্রকাশকাল; 17ই মাৰ্চ, 2019 ISSN NO: 24545318
- প্রসঙ্গ: বাউল, বৈষ্ণব ও রবীন্দ্রনাথ Title: "The Pancham Purusartha, the Means and Ends of God Realization" Edited by Dr.Sujit Kr Mondal Published by Biplab Bhatacharjee, Scholar Publications Karimganj, Assam, 788711, January 2019 ISBN: 978-81-935793-7-4
- Journal of Social Science and Welfare Title: "Ontological Argument" Published by: Women's college, Calcutta & Indian Institute of Psychometry, ISSN NO: 23482974, Vol no: 04, 2019
- Education and Culture Vol. II , Title: "The Teaching and Thoughts of Nivedita" Edited by Soma Bhattacharya Published by Vivekananda College for Women, August, 2020, ISBN NO: 978-93-5407-223-9
- Philosophical Papers: Journal of the department of Philosophy (Enlisted under care of UGC) Title: "The Concept of Bhakti in Bengal Vaisnavism ISSN NO: 0976-4496 Vol.: XVII, March-2021 University of North Bengal Department of Philosophy
Dr Tanusree Das, Assistant Professor
- Prosongo: Baul Vaisnava o Rabindranath , edited by Dr.sujit , kr.mondol,scholar publications, Karimgang, Assam (ISBN:978-81-935793-7-4), 2019
- A Humanitarian Philosophy of Lalon Fakir and Society, Manavayatan,The Humanosphere, a UGC care listed journal , volume viii, (ISSN: 2249-0612) 2019
- Baulism- Culture and Human well-being, Education and culture-Volume-ll, published by Dr. Soma Bhattacharya, principal of Vivakananda College for Women, (ISBN: 978-93-5407-223-9 )August, 2020
- Vaisnava-Sufi-sant Darshana o Lalon Tattva, Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy UGC care Enlisted vol: xx, ( ISSN No: 09730087), 2019
- Basu, S. (2020). Anonymous city, anonymous talking. In B. More (Eds.), Emergent Technologies, New Media and the Cities. Champagne, IL: Common Ground Research Network, University of Illinois.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Dr Surhita Basu, Assistant Professor
- Basu, S. (2020). Audiences 2.0: Online movie streaming platforms and cinema audiences. In S. Biswal, K. S. Kusuma, & S. Mohanty (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social and Cultural Dynamics in Indian Cinema. Hershey: IGI Global.
- Basu, S. (2019). Media and information ethics. In Access to Information, Study material for Appreciation Programme on Media and Information Literacy, Indira Gandhi National Open University. New Delhi: IGNOU.
- Basu, S. (2019). Social media: The game changer. In K. S. Kusuma (Ed.), Media Content Production on Multiple Platforms, Study material, UGC-PG MOOC. New Delhi: Swayam, Government of India.
- Basu, S., & Bakshi, S. (2019). Virtual identities: Constructing and contesting identities – A qualitative study of the social media users of India. In Y. R. Kamalipour (Ed.), Global Perspectives on Media, Politics, Immigration, Advertising, and Social Networking (pp. 37-55). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Basu, S. (2018). Social media audience. In Digital Media, Study material for program on M. A. Mass Communication and Journalism, Indira Gandhi National Open University. New Delhi: IGNOU.
- Basu, S., & Chanda, D. (2017). Global journalism ethics: Afghanistan Express and Charlie Hebdo. Global Media Journal, 8 (1).
Department of Political Science
Smt. Rakhi Banik, Assistant Professor
- Banik, R. (2019). India’s Expanding Role in Asia with Regional Cooperation: India and ASESA, Journal of Social Science and Welfare. (ISSN: 2348-2974), Vol 4, 2019.
- Banik, R (2022). Women Representation in Urban Local Administration, Samaj Jigyasha. (ISSN. 2321-1588X). March, 2022
- Banik, R. (2023). Administration and Communication in India, Samaj Jigyasha (ISSN. 2321-1588X), March, 2023
Sonam Diki Lama, Assistant Professor
- Lama, D. (2023). A ‘Seductress’ for Nepal: An Analytical Study of a Woman Diplomat in South Asia. In: Ojha, A., Jaiswal, P. (eds) South Asian Women and International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Department of Economics
Dr. Sanghita Bhattacharjee, Associate Professor
- Bhattacharjee, S. (2022). Women and Livelihood Strategies: Implications for a safety Net, Times Journey, 11(2). ISSN: 2278-6546.
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2021). Empowerment: A Myth for Informal Workers – A Study of Female Domestic Workers of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, Economic and Political Weekly, 57(10).
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2021). Intensity of Poverty and Work Diversification: A Study of Female Domestic Workers’ Household, The Indian Economic Journal 69 (1), 9-23.
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2020). Female Domestic Workers: Income Determinants and Empowerment Correlates, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 63 (2), 483-498.
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2020). Determinants of Empowerment: An Insight from the study of the female domestic workers, Paradigm, 24 (2), 226-238.
- Bhattacharjee, S. (2020). Socio-Environmental Impacts on Sustaining Livelihood of female worker community of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. JASER, 1 (1), 197-206.
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2019). An Inter-linkage between women employers and female domestic workers, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 7 (7), 1-11.
- Bhattacharjee, S. and B Goswami (2019). Managing Health Issues with Low wages.
- Bhattacharjee, S. (2019). Swami Vivekananda’s Economic Ideas: Significance in Today’s World, Journal of Social Science and Welfare, 4, 54-59.
Department of Chemistry
Dr. Sukla Ghosh, Associate professor
- Benzimidates as gem-Diamidation and Amidoindolization Cascade Synthons with a Hydrated NiII Catalyst, R. Nandi, P. K. Mandal, A. Kayet, T. Bhattachariya, S. Ghosh* and D. K. Maiti*,Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 3474-3478, IF: 6.72
- Selective amidation by a photocatalyzed umpolung reaction D. Ghos g, R. Nandi, S. Khamarui, S. Ghosh and D. K. Maiti*, Chem. Comm. 2019, 55, 3883-3886, IF: 6.29
- Organic Nanoelectronics: New Generation Semiconductors, T. Ghosh, S. Mondal, R. Maiti, S. Ray, E. Dinda, S. Ghosh and D. K. Maiti, NanoMatChemBioDev, 2018, 1, 42-43
- Plastic and Environment, Dr. S. Ghosh, Journal of Social Science and Welfare, Women's college, Calcutta & Indian Institute of Psychometry, ISSN NO: 23482974, Vol no: 04, 2019
Department of Food & Nutrition
Dr Sohini Roy, Assistant Professor
- Dutta S , Sen S and Roy S (2020).Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) in Viral Infections with Special Reference to COVID-19,International Journal of Academic Research and Development5(6),07-15.
- Dutta S, Roy S and Roy S (2020). Functional Foods for Mental Health Promotion, Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences 25(2),72-80.
- Sen S, Roy S and Datta (De) S (2020). In Vitro Study on the Protective Effect of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) in Fish Roe induced Hyperuricaemic Rats, Indian Science Cruiser34(4),51-56.
- Sen S, Roy S and Datta (De) S (2020). A Study on the Quantitative Estimation of Iron in the leaves of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) along with its effect on the Blood Haemoglobin Level in Rat Model, IOSR-Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology14(11),54-57.
- Dutta S, Roy S, Roy S and Manna A (2021). A Comparative Study on Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Adequacy between Dementia Patients and Healthy Individuals in Kolkata, West Bengal, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 8(3),1177-1185.
Department of Geography
Dr Malabika Biswas Roy, Assistant Professor
- Ghosh, A., Roy, M.B. & Roy, P.K. Evaluating the performance of MIKE NAM model on rainfall–runoff in lower Gangetic floodplain, West Bengal, India. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2022).
- Halder, S., Roy, M.B. & Roy, P.K. Tropical plateau basin prioritisation for sustainable groundwater management using classical algorithms. Arab J Geosci 14, 2187 (2021).
- Roy, M.B., Ghosh, A., Kumar, A. et al. Study of water productivity model on wetlands: a case study of Bhagirathi-Hooghly sub-catchment basin, Southern West Bengal, India. Environ Monit Assess 193, 675 (2021).
- Halder, S., Roy, M.B. & Roy, P.K. Modelling soil erosion risk of a tropical plateau basin to identify priority areas for conservation. Environ Earth Sci 80, 646 (2021).
- Biswas, Roy, M., Ghosh, A., Kumar, A., Kumar Roy P.(2021) Study of water productivity model on wetlands: A case study of Bhagirathi-Hooghly sub-catchment basin, southern West Bengal, India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer) 10.1007/s10661-021-09469-110.1007/s10661-021-09469-1
- Roy, M.B., Ghosh, A., Kumar, A. et al. Assessing the nature of seasonal meteorological change in people’s dependency on wetland: a case study of Bhagirathi–Hooghly floodplain system. Environ Dev Sustain (2021).
- Ghosh, A., Roy, Biswas, Roy, M, P.K. et al. Assessing the nature of sediment transport with bridge scour by 1D sediment transport model in the sub-catchment basin of Bhagirathi–Hooghly river. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2021).
- Biswas Roy M, Ghosh M, Pankaj Kumar Roy, (2021). Assessment of water quality of River Ganga during COVID-19 lockdown (2021). Desalination and Water Treatment 223 (2021) 26–33 May
- Ghosh, A. Biswas Roy. M., and Kumar Roy. P. (2020). Estimation and prediction of the oscillation pattern of meandering geometry in a sub-catchment basin of Bhagirathi-Hooghly river, West Bengal, India. SN Appl. Sci. 2, 1497 (2020).
- Halder, S., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P. (2020).Fuzzy logic algorithm based analytic hierarchy process for delineation of groundwater potential zones in complex topography. Arab J Geosci 13, 574 (2020). (Springer)
- Ray, C., Roy, P.K., Majumder, A., Biswas, Roy, M. (2020). Performance Analysis of Some Low-Cost and Locally Available Adsorbents that Remove Excess Fluoride Ion from Raw Water to Develop a Filter for the Rural Population. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. E (2020). (Springer),
- Nag, S., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P. (2020). Optimum prioritisation of sub-watersheds based on erosion-susceptible zones through modeling and GIS techniques. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (Springer),
- Biswas, Roy. M., Kumar, A., Ghosh, A. and Kumar, Roy, P.(2020) Study to Develop A Co- Relationship between Water Quality and Landuse Pattern as Index of Riverine Wetland with Statistical Approach. Quaestiones Geographicae. Vol-39 (1) 33-43 doi:10.2478/quageo-2020-0003 (Scopus)
- Halder, S., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P.(2020).Analysis of groundwater level trend and groundwater drought using Standard Groundwater Level Index: a case study of an eastern river basin of West Bengal, India. SN Applied Sciencs. (Springer), Vol-2, 507 (2020).
- Pal, M., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P.(2019).Use of HEC-HMS Software for Qualitative Assessmnet fo Water of Dumboor Reservoir , Tripura, India. International Journal for Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology.Vol-7, pp-495-500
- Biswas, Roy, M., Pal,S., Pal. M., Kumar, Roy, P., and Kumar. A., (2019). Study of Conservation and Wise Use of Two Important Indian Wetlands Using Contingent Valuation Technique. Environment Asia.12(2)(2019)172-178 ISSN 1906-1714;Online ISSN :2586-8861, UGC Journal No 19858 (Scopus)
- Halder.S., Biswas, Roy, M.,& Kumar, Roy, P.(2019).A Comprehensive Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover In Lateritic Terrain Through Remote Sensing and GIS in West Bengal. European Geographical Studies.Vol-6(1), Pg-21-28.DOI: 10.13187/egs.2019.1.21 (Scopus)
- Kumar, A., Biswas, Roy, M., Singh, A.N. and Mohan, D. (2019) Ground water analysis with special emphasis on arsenic by using multivariate statistical technique: A case Study of Ballia District. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. 39(4):369-374(2019) UGC Journal No 20768 (Scopus)
- Kumar, A.,Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy,P. and Wallace,J.M.(2019) Assessment of Arsenic Removal Units in Arsenic Prone Rural Area in Uttar Pradesh, India including Management Options. Institution of Engineers (India): Series A Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s40030-018-0349-9 UGC Journal No 11114 (Springer)
- Kumar, Roy,P.,Halder,S., Nag,S.,Majumder,A. and Biswas ,Roy, M. (2018) Study of Ganga River Health Condition Based on Water Quality Indicator with Environmental Aspect and Adaptation Study Thereoff. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. 38(8):659-670 UGC Journal No 20768 (Scopus)
- Kumar,Roy,P.,M.,Ghosh, and Biswas, Roy,M. (2018).Selection of multi-drug resistant bacteria from water treatment plants. Desalination and Water Treatment. (2018) 1–6 UGC Journal No 12911 (Taylor and Francis)
- Biswas, Roy. M., Ghosh, A. Chatterjee. D and Kumar Roy. P. (2018) An Overview on River Morphology Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal for Advanced Research In Applied Sciences. Volume5, ISSUE 2, FEB /2018 , Page-498-509 ISSN NO: 2394-8442 UGC Journal No 63188
- Ghosh, A. Biswas Roy. M., and Kumar Roy. P. (2017). A Bibliometric Analysis of Highly Cited papers on Flood plain Research in Science Citation Index Expanded. International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews. 2017, 6(4), 112 - 127, December 2017ISSN:2279-0543 UGC Journal No 63179
- Debbarma. J., Das, S. Debbarma, S. Biswas Roy. M., and Kumar Roy. P. (2017) Critical Study of Sub-Surface Aquifer Layer for Groundwater Availability Based on Electrical Resistivity Survey: A Part of Dhalai Tripura, India. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. VOL. 12, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2017 pp 5851-5860 ISSN 1819-6608 UGC Journal No 8551 (Scopus)
- Ghosh,A. Biswas Roy. M., Kumar.A, and Kumar, Roy, P. (2017).Assessment of cropping region against yield factor with reference to temperature and rainfall variability. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management. Vol. 2 Issue 11, pp 11-16, Nov 2017ISSN 2455-6378 UGC Journal No 63502
- Kumar.A, Biswas Roy. M., K.N. Prudhvi Raju. (2017). Analysis of Women’s Social Status in Arsenic Prone Area: A Case Study of Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, India. International Research Journal of Environmental Science. Vol. 6(10), 1-6, October (2017).ISSN 2319–1414 UGC Journal No 45402
- Kumar.A, Biswas, Roy, M., and K.N.P. Raju. (2017).Arsenic in Groundwater and its Health Impacts: A Case of Ballia District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 08, Issue, 08, pp.5329-5332, August, 2017ISSN : 0976-3376 UGC Journal
- Kumar.A, Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy,P. and Raju. .K.N.P. (2017).Flooding Hazard Assessment of Ballia District Uttar Pradesh India: Causes and Impact Analysis with Environmental Management Plan. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. Vol.7 (8), AUGUST (2017), pp, 69-81ISSN 2231-5780UGC Journal No 46665
- Kumar.A, Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy, P. and Raju..K.N.P. (2017) Study of Extent and Magnitude of Arsenic in Groundwater in Uttar Pradesh, India. Environment Asia. Vol. 10 No.2 (July 2017) ISSN 2586-8861UGC Journal No 19858 (Scopus)
- Pal,M.,Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy,P. (2017).Wind Induced Lake Circulation Model Application in the Lake Rudrasagar, Tripura (India).European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology.2017, 4 (5): 404-409.ISSN: 2394 - 658XUGC Journal No 47799 (Scopus) Books Edited
- Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 10.1007/978-981-33-6412-7, 131, Springer Singapore (2021), Indexed by Scopus
- Water Resources: Current and Future Challenges and Research Directions, Creative Incorporate publisher (November,2020), ISBN No. 978-81-941009-4-2
Book Chapter
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy, P, S. Halder, G. Banerjee, A. Mazumdar (2021) ,Assessment of Stream Flow Impact on Physicochemical Properties of Water and Soil in Forest Hydrology Through Statistical Approach. India: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries, Chapter -9, Pages 207-225, ISBN 978-3-030-67979-8 (Springer)
- SK. Mohinuddin, Biswas, Roy, M., (2021) Identification of Critical Watersheds Based on Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Sagar Island, India, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 131Chapter: 30, Pages 401-409 ,Publisher: Springer, Singapore, April 2021, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Nag, S., Biswas, Roy, M, S, Bhattacharya, S. Mondal Kumar Roy, P. (2021) Assessment of Topographic Complexity Zone of a Drainage Basin Using Geographic Information System, Chapter-32,Pages 441-454 , Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, (Springer), , ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- S. Halder., Biswas, Roy, M, S, Bhattacharya, S. Mondal , Kumar Roy, P. (2021) Soil Loss Estimation for Sustainable Watershed Conservation in Semi-arid Bengal Basin, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Chapter 31 ,Pages 413 -437,(Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- S, Bhattacharya, S. Halder., Nag, S., Biswas, Roy, M, Kumar Roy, P. (2021) Assessment of Drought Using Multi-parameter Indices, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter -18, pages 243-255, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Biswas, Roy, M, S. Halder., A, Ghosh, S, Basu, Kumar Roy, P (2021) Trend Analysis of Highly Cited Papers on Sustainable Watershed Management: A Bibliometric Review. Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter -3, Pages 23-37, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer), ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Biswas, Roy, M, A, Ghosh, A. Kumar, Kumar Roy, P (2021) Trending Nature of Indian and Egyptian Independent Floodplain Research on River Ganga and Nile: A Bibliometric Analysis, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter-25, pages 319-331 Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- D. Chatterjee, Biswas, Roy, M, Kumar Roy, P (2021) Reflection of Soil–Water Relationship Under Different Land Use Pattern: A Case Study of Neora River, West Bengal, India, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter-36, pages 495-511, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Deb Sarkar. P, Kumar Roy, P, Biswas, Roy, M, Pal. D. R.(2021) Feasibility Study on Energy Generation from Municipal Organic Waste Through Biogas Production, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use,Chapter-38,pages 523-532, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Biswas, Roy, M, A, Nag. S, Ghosh, A. Kumar, Kumar Roy, P (2021) Tri-Decadal Visualization Analysis on River Health Studies: A Global Perspective, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter-4, pages 39-55, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Chatterjee, S, Biswas, Roy, M, Majumder, A, Mazumdar, A. Kumar Roy, P (2021) Plant Micronutrient Relationship with Water and Soil in Backdrop of Global Food Security Issue, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter-39, Pages 533-545, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Pal, M, Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P (2021) Study of Gumti Wetland in Connection with Its Socio-Economic Status: A Step Towards Sustainable Management Practice, Advances in Water Resources Management for Sustainable Use, Chapter-26, pages 333-345, Edition: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. (Springer),, ISBN 978-981-33-6411-0
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy, P and Biswas, A.K.(2017). Sustainable City around Indian Alpine Wetland: A Case of Mirik Lake, West Bengal. The Urban Book Series, Swati Rajput and Poonam Sharma (Eds): Sustainable Smart Cities In India, Publisher- Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47145-7_22 , AG 2017
- Kumar, Roy, P., Majumder, A., Pal, S., Banerjee, G., Biswas, Roy, M., and Majumder A. (2018). Development of an environmentally sustainable approach for safe disposal for arsenic -Rich Sludge. Handbook of Environmental materials Management Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58538-3_14-1
- Chatterjee S., Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2018). Health Risk Assessment of Humans Through Fishes. Contemporary Environmental Issues And Perspective ISBN : 978-93-82623-85-4 ,2018
- Biswas, Roy, M. (2018).Impact Of Climate Change On Wetland Biodiversity of Rural West Bengal. Contemporary Environmental Issues And Perspective ISBN : 978-93-82623-85-4,2018
- Chaterjee, D., Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2018). Comparison of valuation of forest between north and south West Bengal using contingent valuation technique-Case study. Contemporary Environmental Issues And Perspective ISBN: 978-93-82623-85-4,2018
- Ghosh, A., Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2018). Study on Environmental Ethics-An Overview of Implication Scenario, A Review Analysis. Contemporary Environmental Issues And Perspective ISBN : 978-93-82623-85-4,2018
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, A., and Kumar, Roy, P., (2018). Study of water quality scenario for wetland fisheries of West Bengal: a case study. Sustainable Management Of aquatic resources ISBN :878-93-87590-11-3,2018
- Chatterjee, S., Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2018). Heavy metal assessment of sewage fed fisheries of east Calcutta wetland. Sustainable Management Of aquatic resources ISBN :878-93-87590-11-3,2018
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, A., and Chaterjee, D. (2018). Environmental Impact Assessment of Riverine wetland through PRA techniques. Modern Perspective in Geography978-93-88207-06-5, 2018
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar,A., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2018).Environmental Impact Study of some Riverine Wetlands in West Bengal using Hydrological Services. Harmony with Nature: Illusions and Elusions from Geographers’ Perspective in the 21st Century, ISBN:978-81-933142-1-0 ,2018
- Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, A., and Kumar, Roy, P. (2020.)Evaluation of Water Quality Index of a Floodplain Wetland: A Case of West Bengal, India. Recent Trends in Indian Limnology and Fishery Science : 169-178
- Ghosh, A., Biswas, Roy, M., Kumar, Roy, P. (November, 2020) Spatio-temporal variation of heavy metal concentration in the sub-catchment terrain of Bhagirathi-Hooghly river, West Bengal, India, Water Resources : Current and Future Challenges and Research Directions, Creative Incorporate publisher, ISBN No. 978-81-941009-4-2, Pg-1-23
- Nag, S., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P. (November, 2020) A Changing Nature of Surface Water Resources Scenario (1984-2018), Water Resources: Current and Future Challenges and Research Directions, Creative Incorporate publisher, ISBN No. 978-81-941009-4-2, Pg-256-262
- Halder, S., Biswas, Roy, M and Kumar Roy, P. (November, 2020) Emerging Issues of Groundwater Resources: Global and Regional Perspectives, Water Resources : Current and Future Challenges and Research Directions, Creative Incorporate publisher, ISBN No. 978-81-941009-4-2, Pg-269-275
Conference Proceedings
- Chaterjee, D., Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy,P., (2020). Availability of Water in a Sustainable Manner-Comparative case Studies from different parts of West Bengal. International Conference on energy and Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-93-83660-56-8
- Mohinuddin. S.K, Basak. S.K, Kumar, Roy,P., Biswas, Roy, M (2020) Changing Nature of Landuse and land cover and its impact on quality using GIS and remote sensing techniques, Sagar Island, West Bengal, India. International Conference on energy and Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-93-83660-56-8
- Bhattacharya, S, Halder. S, Nag, S, Biswas, Roy, M., and Kumar, Roy, P., (2020). Surface water resources estimation for sustainable management using remote sensing and GIS. International Conference on energy and Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-93-83660-56-8
- Chatterjee, S. Kumar, Roy,P., Majumder, A., Biswas, Roy, M (2020) Water to Waste-Use, Reuse and Management from Perspective of Water Quality. International Conference on energy and Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-93-83660-56-8
- ISBN-978-93-83010-29-5, 2016 Roy, R., Islam, R., Mukherjee,T., and Biswas, Roy, M. (2017). Impact and Implication of Geography Teaching through Computer: Insights from a Study at Habra, West Bengal, India. Impact of Globalization on Teacher Education ISBN 978-81-925425-2-2,2017
Department of Psychology
Dr. Chandana Aditya, Assistant Professor
- Aditya, C., (2017) Psychoanalytical Significance of Music in Social and Personality Development of an Individual. International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, vol- 5 (2) pp-86-90. ISSN: 2322-0899.
- Aditya, C. And Sen Mitra, M. (2018) A Psycho-semiotic Analysis of the ‘Mediatized’ Text through Gender Lens. IJRSML. Pp-72-74. ISSN: 2321-2853. Impact Factor 4.9.
Conference Proceedings
- Aditya, C. and Sen Mitra, M., (2018) Consumerism and Post Capitalist Consequence on Mass Media: A Psychological Approach. 38th Annual Conference Proceedings of Bangiyo Arthanaitik Parishad. Arthabeekshan, Vol-27(1) pp-77-79. ISSN: 0972-1185.
- Aditya, C. (2020) Resolving Gender Binary through Digitalization in Rural India: Emphasis on Women Empowerment in two-day National Conference on Science and Technology: Rural development, Book of Abstracts, National Conference, ISCA, Kolkata Chapter.
Book Chapters
- Aditya, C. (2018) Role of Psychology in fulfilling the Goal of Sustainable Development. Contemporary Environmental Issues and Perspective. Ed. Ruma Bhattacharya, Papiya Ghosh and Debjani Mitra. Readers Service. Pp-177-187. ISBN: 978-93-82623-85-4.
- Aditya, C. (2020) Reviewing Appreciative Inquiry through the Lens of Emotional Intelligence, Intrinsic Motivation, and Need Hierarchy. Appreciative inquiry approaches to organizational transformation. Ed. Bhattachary, Sudipto and Chakraborty, Tanusree. IGI Global. Hershey PA, USA. ISBN 9781522596752 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781522596776 (ebook) | ISBN 9781522596769 (softcover).
- Aditya, C. (2021) Trust and Risk Communication: Stress Management during COVID-19 Crisis. Paralytic Pandemic: An Emergence of a Human Crisis. Ed. Ray, S. and Ray, S. Serial Publications Pvt Ltd. New Delhi. India. ISBN: 978-81-950760-8-6.
- Aditya, C. (2021) Urvasie: A Saga of Love, Separation and Reunion, A Psychodynamic Discourse. Urvasie From Mythological to Postmodern Reflections. Ed. Dutta, M. and Datta, S. N. cognition Publications. Kolkata, West Bengal. ISBN 978-93-92205-01-9.
- Aditya, C. (2022) Role of Indian Print and Digital Media in Learning Analytics: A Tool to Sustain Education in the New Normal. Measurement Methodologies to Assess the Effectiveness of Global Online Learning. Ed. Isaias, Pedro, Issa, Tomayess, Kommers, Piet A. M. IGI Global. Hershey PA, USA. LCCN 2021037598 (print) | LCCN 2021037599 (ebook) | ISBN 9781799886617 (Hardcover) | ISBN 9781799886624 (Paperback) | ISBN 9781799886631 (eBook).
Department of Sociology
Smt. Madhura Basu, SACT
Book Chapter
- Basu, M. Santhal’s Traditional Healing Practices and Modern Medicine: A Sociological Study: Multidisciplinary Research Approaches in Humanities and Social Sciences. ISBN: 978-93-90879-77-9, Book Cade: AB265-J23
- Migrant Workers and their Mental State during Covid: A Sociological Study on West Bengal: Migrant Workers in India’s Covid Economy: Problems and Perspectives. ISBN: 978-81-947932-7-4